
Showing posts from October, 2021

Week 5 Power Rankings

  WEEK 5 POWER RANKINGS: RANDOM CARDINALS PLAYERS I am back and readier than ever to make fun of you 1) Slant Boys Cardinal: Jon Jay Reason: Championship winner, surprisingly high on the WAR list in the 21st century amongst Cardinals The Allen Henry tandem gives everybody either wet dreams or nightmares. And I think the Boys Slant Boys fans of this team are the only wet ones. This team will cruise their way to a fluky loss in the playoffs. 2) MS Sentient Turds Cardinal:  Colby Rasmus Reason: Colby had really solid production for the Cardinals during his time, and his sacrifice played a huge role in the ‘11 World Series. Also has a great song about him.   While they’re the ones in brown pants, it’s other teams that are shitting themselves playing these guys. This team is dominant on and off the field. They’re coach is even getting in on the action, as my ex-wife left me so she could be a single mom for the promotio