
Showing posts from February, 2023


  Welcome to the Final Power Rankings of the Year. I intentionally waited until Super Bowl weekend because I thought that would be fitting. I haven’t been lazy or putting this off or anything, this has been the plan at all. I even definitely wrote this way before and have been holding onto this as opposed to writing this on Friday.  Now that we have this out of the way, wow what a year. We had some pretty one sided trades and some insane luck going both ways. And we even had user participation for this power rankings! That’s right, you the fans had some input on these rankings. It was mostly ignored though. My editors made me do this to increase attention but I obviously know more than all of you so I’ve listed where you ranked people, but it doesn’t really matter what you said. Since this is the greatest of the rankings, I chose to rank using the greatest actor of all time. ADAM SANDLER CHARACTERS 1) Steven Fan vote = 1 Howard Ratner from Uncut Gems Did you know that Adam Sandler can