
Showing posts from May, 2024

I'm here to do the commissioner's job

  Here at the Weenie Hut Jr Post Gazette Times New Roman we do more than just be the official  news providers of the league. We also basically do the commissioner’s job. Which is why we are agai n doing our potential rules changes breakdown and telling you exactly how to vote. Witzo Bowl Playoff Revamp After 3 years of enduring the dumbest part of our league, we need to revamp the Witzo (RIP) Bowl Playoffs  presented by Pampers Diapers. The first week only mattering to set the matchups for the semifinals is  meaningless at best, and at worst is strife for causing thrown games. It ruins the integrity of the league and  absolutely needs to change. The only question is how? A 3 game round robin tournament between the 4 teams  may be the fairest, or doing one 2 week matchup whether for the semifinals or finals. Any of those options are  way better than the current situation, so vote with your heart on that one Verdict: Get rid of the current System Kicker Points This fella isn’t the bigges