A formal statement on the Reinstitution of the name Washington Sewer Pipes


         Our organization understands that it's fans expect a level of excellence that is not being performed on the field. And even though our devoted following have unitedly accepted this season's hardship as an experimental year that had the aim in raising our volatility but was unfortunately undercut by severe injuries. our Leadership still believes that change needs to be made.

       A controversial name change occurred last off season in the changing of the name Washington Sewer Pipes to the NJ Chubb Piercings. At the time there was backlash that our historical name mocked victims of involuntary poo showers, and because of this we too quickly took this outcry as concesus public opinion and changed our name to fit our new captains.

       After meetings with leaders of both the First Plumbers Nations and NVIPS ( national victims of involuntary poo showers) and of course with you the faithful fans we have come to the realization this outcry came from a small misguided minority. The most involved parties believe that though our name may initially seem hurtful those with true knowledge of the history of these events see the name as honorable and even if this term is deemed incentive to some it is more important to keep these strong people's culture and history relevant and present in modern life than to delete their history to protect a small few's feelings.

          We plan to reinstate the Washington Sewer Pipes name at the beginning of next season's draft and are making a vow to never change our team's name again. Though this season may be lost in terms of playoffs hopes there is a commitment to battle to the bitter end and see those in the locker room and coaching staff who stand a part in being committed to fighting for a stronger future. We are confident you fans will join us in next year's muddy, hard nosed, and pipe bursting explosive return to both our historical name and to championship contention.

GO PIPES!!!!!!


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